

Leyla is a world famous violin virtuoso. Her concerts attract great attention; the most prominent members of the elite come to watch their concerts.In another part of the city, in the Roman quarter, a middle-aged man silences his baby’s cry with his violin; the baby sleeps peacefully.A long time has passed; Two different lives continue to live in their own world.Leyla’s only son gets a fatal disease and this disease causes her death. Now, painful days have begun for Leyla. On the day she gave her son to the ground, she played her violin for the last time.In the Roman quarter, Rom, whose mother died at the time of his birth, was only five years old. His father also dies in a street fight and Rom is left an orphan as well. Rom constantly cries in the Orphanage and lives in the darkest of desolation. Orphanage attendant Yıldız is pleasantly surprised after seeing the crying voices of  Rom cease while playing classical western music on TRT radio by chance.Fifteen years have passed; the paths of Leyla and Rom cross in İstanbul, which resembles the places of old times.Rom, with his violin in hand, wanders the benches and plays the violin for a tip. Rom’s attitudes attract Leyla’s attention from a distance.Rom goes to a woman sitting alone on a bench and asks if she would like a violin concert. Leyla and Ender get shocked when Rom starts playing songs for the lady alone. Leyla’s eyes are full. When Leyla got rid of the shock. , they see that Rom has gone. Leyla asks the man on the street where Rom lives. They learn that there is a Roman quarter nearby and that he lives there. When Leyla tells her husband that she wants to find the child, Ender is quietly surprised.Leyla and Ender find the old house where Rom lived, with cracked walls and smelling damp. Leyla is affected by the house where Rom lives and that he lives alone. She starts a conversation with Rom and says that she is also a violin virtuoso, but she has only taught violin at the faculty in recent years. She says that the faculty supports talented students as guest students and therefore she wants Rom to come to her school as a guest student. A new page is opening in Rom’s life.

Leyla and Rom are united under similar pains and hope, even though they live different lives; they have discovered the true fate that awaits them.

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