Stylo Rouge

Stylo Rouge


A teachertriestoconveytohisstudentsthemeaningofdemocracythroughthecollaborativecorrectionof an exam in a schoollocated in a remote mountainouslocation, while a communalelectioncampaignistakingplace in a nearbyhamlet.

Abdou EL MESNAOUI is a Moroccanactor, director and Phd in highereducation at the Higher Institute oftheAudiovisual and Cinema Professions in Morocco. Laureateofthe Higher Institute ofDramatic Art and Cultural Animation, he beganhiscareeras an actor and director at the Theater and thenas a managerofculturalinstitutionsbeforetakingup divers moviesprofessionsasassistantdirector and directorofproduction in manymovies and televisionfilms at national and international level. « RED PEN» ishis 2nd film.

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